See if you qualify for a

Cash-Out Refinance

Turn some of your home’s equity into cash for renovations and more!

See if I qualify today!

The Benefits of a Cash-Out Refinance

Cash-Out Refinance: Making full use of your money

Utilize improved equity.

When your home’s value increases, you may qualify for a Cash-Out refinance to make use of that money, which can be reinvested in the value of the home.

Acquire cash for projects.

Refinancing with Cash-Out Refinance can mean having extra money for projects or simply using the money for your own investments.

Potentially secure better terms.

If the initial terms of your financing were weak, a Cash-Out Refinance can potentially yield you better terms, which can be a benefit to your monthly budget.

Put your money to use.

Cash-Out Refinancing means you can turn money that was sitting in your home’s equity into liquid cash that you can then put to use in the way you see fit, such as paying off debt elsewhere, going on a vacation, saving for college tuition -- just about anything!

What You Need to Know about the Cash-Out Refinancing Option

  • Cash-Out Refinancing is more common than you think. According to statistics from, Cash Out Refinance loans were among the most popular refinancing loans in the country, with 63% of such loans comprising all refinancing in the fourth quarter of 2017.
  • This method of refinancing has recovered. After the home mortgage crisis over a decade ago, confidence has been restored and home equity is moving up, making it a good time to secure low interest rates and excess cash.
  • Like any other refinance loan, Cash-Out Refinance loans help you take advantage of interest rates. Worried that interest rates might climb in the next five years? Ten years? Taking advantage of current interest rates with a Cash-Out Refinance can help you use extra cash while interest rates remain low.
  • There’s still room for home equity growth. According to some statistics, the historical rate of Cash-Out Refinancing and home equities suggest that the trend is moving upward, which means there’s still plenty of opportunity for utilizing extra cash with a Cash-Out Refinance.

Do you want to use the equity you’ve built in your home to make a better financial life?

What Do You Need to Know about a Cash-Out Refinance Loan?

  • Q: What is a Cash-Out Refinance Loan?

    This is a straightforward home refinancing loan. However, it includes unique circumstances. If you only owe $200,000 on a home that has appreciated to a value of $300,000, for example, you may qualify for refinancing that allows you to receive a loan over the amount of equity you hold, giving you an excess of cash.
  • Q: What are the terms of a Cash-Out Refinance loan?

    The terms are remarkably similar to many mortgages. What’s different is whether your home qualifies—it helps when you have built equity in your home, especially when you’ve purchased a home that’s appreciated in value over time. Like many refinance loans, you will have a new monthly payment to satisfy the terms of the new loan.
  • Q: What can I do with the extra money?

    That’s up to you. Many people choose to reinvest this money into the value of their home by using the money for renovations. Other people pay down other debts they have, which in turn makes their monthly mortgage payment far more manageable. What’s important is to use this cash in a way that’s responsible for your given financial situation.
  • Q: How much cash will I get?

    This depends on factors such as the previous and current value of your home, but many people can expect to borrow as much as 80% of the home’s current value. However, this is different for every individual, so make sure that you do your research before you set clear expectations for the money you’ll receive.

Use a Cash-Out Refinance Loan Today

Are you ready to turn the appreciated value of your home into more than just numbers in the air?

A Cash-Out Refinance option can give you the excess cash you’ve earned with your wise investment and slow equity-building. But you’ll want to make sure you qualify before you proceed and think about that lump sum of cash on top of the value of the home.

Done properly, you can use this cash to completely transform your monthly bills, pay off debts, or even reinvest in the quality of your home.

Speak with a Cash-Out Refinance Specialist today


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A Cash-Out Refinance approved lender; Not endorsed or sponsored by the Dept. of Veterans Affairs or any government agency.